She's Gone Country - Again

8:09:00 AM

It's been awhile since I've shared news of any concerts that I've attended lately and I think it's time. I had the pleasure of attending a pretty sweet acoustic concert this week! GASP - during the work week? Oh yea. And this time, I got some pretty cute shots of my outfit!

My girlfriend Kelly and I went to go see this little hottie, Chase Rice. Y'all... I can't say this enough, but where can I get me one of these backwards cap wearin', country lovin', stud muffins, hmm? Just look at him.

I love a good country outfit complete with fringe, boots and anything that shows I love me some red, white and blue. How cute are Kelly's shorts? Love them! We had a blast running around town after the concert. You like? And yes, we are wearing the same boots.

Outfit details - Kelly:
Shirt: American Eagle, Here
Shorts: Ralph Lauren, Similar, Cheaper
Boots: DSW, Here

Outfit details - Jess: 
Tank: Beall's, Similar
Shorts: Beall's, Here 
Boots: DSW, Here

xo, Jessica 

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  1. Thank you for sharing. I have the same problems you mentioned. I definitely need one of those country tank tops thank u.
