Black, White and Purple

7:51:00 AM

Long time, no talk! It has definitely been a busy few weeks over here.

Let's see, where to begin.

So I got braces...again.

Yea, shocked me too. They are only on my bottom teeth thankfully. But being a perfectionist is kind of in my blood so here's to the next few months with braces feeling like a sixteen year old girl all over again. Follow along with me as I learn how to smile again with this brace face.

I also started a new job! My new title is Director of Public Relations. I'm over the moon excited y'all. I'll update you with more soon but in honor of said job, I've noticed that I'm loving wearing dresses and blazers to work. The new company has a strict dress code than my previous job so it's been exciting to have to piece together previous outfits for a more chic and formal look.

I was gifted this dress by one of my girlfriends recently from Forever 21. I usually try to stay away from black and white but I decided to add a little purple for Fall and top it off with a white blazer. I'm loving the overall look.

What do you think?

Outfit Details:
Dress: Forever 21, Old, Similar, Cute too
Belt: Dillard's, Old, Cute
Heels: Nine West, Old, Cute 
Blazer: Banana Republic, Sold Out in White, Colors 

xo, Jessica 

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