I'm moving - check!

12:46:00 PM

Why yes, I am finally crossing one thing off of my resolution list for the year and that would be moving out of my parents house! Thank goodness y'all! Some benefits of the new house include, 25 minutes closer to work, right near the water and within five minutes of my best friends house! Win, Win! So I apologize that I have been a little out of touch these past few weeks and hope to be going full force on posting soon! I will give updates on the house, decor and all of the goodies that I plan on "diy"ing for this little home. It's small but perfect and a friend of mine is moving in as well. We both have very similar taste and are excited to venture off on this new path.

Next on the list is dating. Oh man. I'm trying. I feel like it is just slim picking out there sometimes but at least I am learning to date again - casually. I've gone on two dates with two COMPLETELY opposite men and let me just tell you that I was most certainly entertained. I will spare you the details but boy oh boy these dates were humorous. I love a good laugh and these guys were both wrong for me in so many ways but at least I tried. NEXT!  

On the other hand, my birthday is tomorrow. Oh how time flies! I will be 23! This is yet another thing I plan to cross off my list this year - which is to just enjoy being young! I am feeling like this is truly going to be my year and I am so excited for what lies ahead of me. I try not to get too excited about birthdays because I hate being disappointed! I am sure you all have had your fair share of good and bad but I have had some great and some not-so-great ones and I just don't want to get myself all worked up in case nothing good happens. Ha! So cheers to a stress-less birthday and an easy and quick move this weekend! I am so excited to get all of my shoes out of storage - oh how I have missed them!

And I have added a few more things to my list this year...enjoy.

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