What does the name mean?

12:51:00 PM

Why the name -- Hightailing in High Heels?

Well, are you always on the go? Always worrying about something? Appointments here? Lunch meetings there? Pick up this by then? Etc. Always spreading yourself so thin during the week that by Friday you wonder if you'll have energy to do anything for the weekend. Well yes that is me too.

I want this blog to be an outlet, something that I can look back and say yes I did that and I'm learning to do it better. Or yes I should of done that and I am going to take a shot at it trying again. Life is about choices. I want to experience life everyday and not get so caught up in everything that I don't truly enjoy it.

Yes we all work hard for a living but take remember to take the 5 minute break, eat a candy bar, say the bad word and then move on. There are so many precious things that we should be happy for!

Life is too short and we often lose sight of what is important so I want to make sure that while I am hightailing it everywhere, that I take a minute here and there to take it all in. I want to absorb the beauty of all that is around me and truly be grateful.

So let me leave you with a great quote that I have heard recently. I apologize that I do not know who originally said it but it is the truth.

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