Trend Spin Link Up - Week 33 - Emerald Green

3:39:00 PM

Have you caught the emerald green fever too? I am excited to linkup with Walking in Memphis in High Heels for her Trend Spin Linkup this week - Emerald Green!

Again, these pants y'all. Get them. So versatile, so comfortable and so so on sale. (most of the time) Don't you dare pay the $89.50 for them.

So in efforts to link up, I wore the emerald green pants again except this time I matched them with this tie-dye scarf and my new year's eve earrings.

It's a bit chillier these days in South Florida, can you believe it? So I threw on some cute booties and a matching blazer. Definitely in love with this outfit. Isn't it so weird when you find something in your closet that you haven't worn in a year and fall right back in love with it. Yep. That's how I feel about the booties. AND they are from Target. The blazer too. Thoughts?

xo, Jessica

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